15 Magical Alexandrite Rings to Celebrate Mothers

Dual Nature, Color Changing Stone

Moved to celebrate a special mother or mother figure in your life? Look no further than an exquisite alexandrite ring to delight her with its incomparable beauty and significance. The breathtaking color-changing properties of alexandrite make it a fascinating and unique gemstone rich in symbolic meaning for mothers. Alexandrite transforms from deep green or blue-green in daylight to deep red or purple-red in incandescent ligh. This rare gemstone’s ability to transition in this way is akin to the maternal fluidity and improvisational ability so often required of mothers daily, and over time.

Meanings: Transformation, Irreplaceability

The dramatic shift in color explicitly highlights the nature of transformation ~ from one state to another. For new mothers, especially, this change symbolizes the transformative experience of becoming someone’s mother for the first time. This new state brings with it deep emotional or spiritual shifts, powerfully represented visually in the magical alexandrite depths of shifting color.

The particular quality and pattern of color change, unique to each individual stone, is also an apt metaphor for individuality ~ mother’s and child’s. This metaphor extends beyond mothers, to anyone highly valued by the gift giver: a gift of this matchless stone can serve as a loving reminder to any recipient ~ mothers, mother figures, non-mothers, treasured loved ones ~ of their singular importance to the gift giver.

Best Quality Alexandrites

To choose the best quality alexandrite gemstone ~ natural or lab grown ~ focus on the stone’s color change properties, clarity, cut and size. Russian alexandrite is highly prized, due to history and its superior reds and blue greens: emerald by day, ruby by night. High quality alexandrite is found in Brazil, Sri Lanka and East Africa, as well. Stones that features less saturation, and tends towards yellow and browns, is less in demand but still valuable.

Color Change: This is the most crucial characteristic for alexandrite. Superior alexandrite will exhibit strong saturation and a thorough, clear shift from deep blue-green in daylight to red in incandescent light. The more pronounced and clear this color change, the more valuable the gemstone. The same applies to lab created alexandrite: although more easily found in large sizes than their natural counterparts, a strong vivid color and a distinct shift from green to red, clearly visible in various lights, is of paramount importance.

Clarity: Clarity refers to the absence of internal and external flaws (inclusions and blemishes) within or on the surface of the gemstone. Premium alexandrite should have minimal inclusions visible to the naked eye, as clarity enhances the stone’s color and brilliance. An alexandrite that exhibits chatoyancy ~ or cat’s eye ~ are extremely rare and add to a stone’s value.

Cut: The stone’s cut is also essential, as it can fundamentally maximize an alexandrite’s optical effects, especially its color change. Symmetry and proportions suited to the individual stone and skillfully executed allow it to reflect as much light as possible. Alexandrite is challenging to cut, due to its color change properties. Gemologists must often combine cuts to keep the full color spectrum visible once the stone is set.

Carat Size: While natural alexandrite in large carat sizes are rare ~ and thus more valuable ~ quality should not be compromised for size. A smaller stone whose color changes are clear and distinct will always be valued more highly than a larger stone with inferior color change properties, whether natural or lab created.

15 Irresistible Alexandrite Rings $$-$$$$


  • Reputable Gemological Laboratories ~ Always ensure that any loose gemstone alexandrite you choose is accompanied by a certification of authenticity. Retailers may or may not offer such certificates for jewelry pieces, especially for lower value pieces. However, loose gems should always have a certification stating their properties and origin.
  • Natural Alexandrite vs Lab Grown Alexandrite ~ Chemical composition, quality, size, environmental impact, availability, price differences.
  • Zodiac Stones for Gemini ~ Alexandrite is one the main stones associated with Gemini ~ no surprise, given Gemini’s mercurial dual nature.
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Christine Glasya

Welcome to Zodiac Gems! My fascination with zodiac signs and love of gemstones inspired Zodiac Gems, where I share gems of information about birthstones, crystals and rocks, and showcase beautiful gems. My background in the visual arts and my enduring interest in the positive powers of stones keeps me always learning about these colorful magical beauties. Join me!

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