Leo Birthstone Crystals: 12 Energetic Gift Ideas

The Leo Star Sign Birthstone

Born between July 23 and August 22, Leos are naturally dynamic and passionate. The Leo star sign birthstones ~ peridot, carnelian, onyx, and ruby ~ reflect Leo’s vibrant energetic nature. The gift suggestions below are meant to both resonate with that Leo energy and appeal to their love of luxurious items. Here are 12 crystal-based gift ideas for personal wear, personal energy work, and the home made with both primary and secondary Leo birthstones.

1. Carnelian Polished Bead Bracelet

Leos will love carnelian’s warm and motivating energy. Easy to wear every day, a carnelian bracelet can add a little confidence and spark to a Leo’s day, especially helpful on big days when they need to really shine.

2. Ruby Heart Pendant

Ruby is energizing and strong, closely linked with the heart chakra, love, understanding, and compassion. A heart-shaped ruby pendant set in warm yellow gold symbolizes deep love and courage ~ a wonderful emblem of the essence of Leo.

Sleek and stylish, onyx cufflinks are a sophisticated accessory for professional or elegant occasions. The grounding and protective character of onyx means this special gift can enhance strength and confidence when worn.

4. Peridot and Diamond Earrings

Peridot and diamond earrings will not only appeal to Leos’ love of luxury but can foster a positive and powerful aura for them. Peridot’s affiliation with light and vitality combined with diamonds’ strength and invincibility vibrations are a powerful and resonant combination for a vivacious and charismatic leader like Leo.

5. Carnelian Polished Sphere ~ Leo Star Sign Birthstone for the Home

A polished carnelian sphere set in your space can add a meditative vibration and a calming, cooling moment when held.

6. Ruby Stacking Rings

Leos love luxury and drama ~ their passionate nature cannot help but be drawn to the deep reds and pinks of rubies. Stacking rings studded with small rubies or set with round or square ruby solitaires are classic and lend themselves to daily wear and special occasions. Set in gold, ruby is regal and powerful.

7. Onyx and Gold Pendant Necklace

A necklace with a large onyx pendant plated in gold is minimal, modern, and visually striking ~ ideal for Leos who relish the spotlight. Onyx is said to absorb and transform negative energy, encouraging stability and bringing out the best leadership qualities of Leo.

8. Peridot Tree of Life Ornament ~ Leo Star Sign Birthstone for the Home

A tree of life made of peridots is a beautiful home accent for a wall or a window. Leos’ enduring interest in personal development make this beautiful symbol of growth and renewal a terrific idea for any Leo.

9. Carnelian Agate Wind Chime ~ Leo Star Sign Birthstone for the Home

A wind chime made from thin slices of carnelian agate will energize any porch, balcony, garden, or patio. The varied patterns of the slices and the gentle sound they produce when blown by the breeze make this home accessory calming and inspiring.

10. Onyx Bookends ~ Leo Star Sign Birthstone for the Home

Polished onyx bookends are a striking and useful gift for a Leo. Symbolizing strength and fostering emotional endurance as onyx does, this is a perfect gift for Leos who love books and unique items.

11. Carnelian Decorative Bowl ~ Leo Star Sign Birthstone for the Home

Carnelian has a warm translucence that will complement many different colors and home decor styles. Made into a gentle sloping bowl it is perfect for holding tumbled stones, crystals, jewelry and more.

12. Ruby in Fuchsite Tumbled Stones ~ Leo Star Sign Birthstone for the Home

The combination of ruby in fuchsite brings two different stones and their energies together, creating a composite mineral with unique energetic properties. Ruby’s energy is passionate and alive; fuchsite’s energy calms and renews. Together they produce a wonderfully healing energy, balancing stimulative and restorative properties. Leos will welcome a pocket stone or a collection of stones to keep in an office or living space at home.

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Christine Glasya

Welcome to Zodiac Gems! My fascination with zodiac signs and love of gemstones inspired Zodiac Gems, where I share gems of information about birthstones, crystals and rocks, and showcase beautiful gems. My background in the visual arts, my love of beautiful jewels my fascination with the positive powers of stones keeps me always learning about the nature of different stones. Celebrating their beauty and harnessing their energies for happiness, balance and spiritual fulfillment is my life's journey. Join me!

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